Meet Ian, SignStix’s Senior Integrations Developer

SignStix is pleased to announce Ian de Almeida has joined the development team as the new Senior Integrations Developer. Ian is the latest recruit to the SignStix team to help build our innovative software. Ian brings over 10 years of development experience to SignStix. He has produced work for clients spanning a diverse range of industries which include hospitality, finance,…

International Programmers Day 2022 – Q & A With David Hurren, Lead Full Stack Developer at SignStix

International Programmers Day is celebrated on September 13th or the 256th day of the year. The day honours programmers and innovators who make our lives easier by innovating and designing programs. Today we caught up with SignStix's lead full stack developer, David Hurren to answer questions about his career path and how to break into the tech industry. Q. How…

Senior DevOps Developer Enjoys His First Year With SignStix

Celebrating their 1-year anniversary with SignStix is Azmath Shaik, one of the Senior DevOps Developers. We caught up with Azmath about his 1-year journey so far and how his knowledge of the digital signage industry has grown. How has your journey with SignStix been so far? Time has passed extremely fast and I am here completing my 1-year work anniversary…

Meet David, SignStix’s New Lead Full Stack Developer

SignStix is pleased to announce David Hurren has been appointed as the new Lead Full Stack Developer. David is the newest recruit to the SignStix team to help broaden the SignStix product range. David brings over 30 years of experience with him to SignStix, he's proficient in a very wide range of software tools and technologies, ranging from Micro-Controllers, Mobile and…

Meet Victoria, SignStix New Sales and Customer Care Co-ordinator

We would like to welcome and introduce to you Victoria Coltman, who has joined our sales and customer service team. Victoria brings many years of excellent customer care skills and a passion for providing the best service possible to all stakeholders. Commenting on her appointment,  Victoria said, “I am absolutely thrilled to join the SignStix team as their Sales and…

Software Support Specialist Enjoys Two Years At SignStix

This month, we have a fabulous member of the technical team celebrating their 2-year anniversary with SignStix. We caught up with, James Wibberley, SignStix software support specialist about his 2-year journey so far and how he has seen the company and his job responsibilities grow during the lockdown. How has your journey with SignStix been so far? I joined SignStix…

SignStix’s Android Developer Enjoys Two Years At SignStix

This month, we have an awesome member who celebrates their 2-year anniversary with SignStix. We caught up with SignStix’s android developer, Fahad Tariq, a master at helping with technical issues and tying up very important technical projects, to answer questions about his journey so far and the best part about working within SignStix. How has your journey with SignStix been…