Once you have pressed the ‘Deploy’ button in Director, there will be a slight delay before the signs you have deployed appear on your end-point screens. This is because it takes time for the signage devices to detect new content, and then to download and display it.

The size of the delay will vary depending on the network bandwidth, and the amount of signage data that needs to be transferred (small signs take seconds, large videos may take minutes or even hours). If you want to know whether the screens have updated to the new content, try the following:

1. In Director, click ‘Devices’ in the navigation menu.

2. In the resulting page there are some statistics near the top:

Devices – the total number of registered devices.
Online – the number of devices currently in network contact.
Latest Content – the number of devices which have adopted the latest content.

How can I check that my new signage is now being shown in SignStix

3. In the ideal case, all three numbers will be the same.

  • In practice, the number ‘online’ may be less than the total if there is a network problem, or if some of the devices are no longer in use.
  • The ‘latest content’ number will drop to 0 after a new deployment, and will gradually increase as the devices receive their new content.
  • While the ‘latest content’ number is less than the ‘online’ number, some of the devices must still be downloading their new content.

4. To check the status of an individual device, inspect its downloading ‘cloud’ icon in the Info column.

  • If the device has a green cloud icon then downloading has completed and the device is playing the latest deployed content.
  • If the cloud icon is flashing then the device is still downloading.
  • If the cloud icon is grey then Director is awaiting information from the device about its status (the device might be offline).

5. For added confidence, you can ask devices for screenshots, as follows:

  1. On the Devices page, select the devices of interest.
  2. Click the ‘Request Screenshots’ icon (a camera) near the top of the page.
  3. When the camera icon on a device row turns white, the screenshot has been received from the device, and you can move your mouse pointer over the icon to see the image.  Click the image itself to see a larger version.