SignStix Player can now run on Philips D-Line Professional Displays (4050D), which have their own built-in Android solution. Install SignStix Player onto your D-Line panel as follows:
1. Download the following two files and save them to the top-level of a USB memory stick:
2. Power-on the Philips panel.
3. Insert the USB memory stick into a USB socket on the Philips panel.
4. Using the Philips remote control handset, launch the settings by pressing ‘Home’, then 1888. This will show a large-format menu screen with ‘Settings’, ‘Apps’ etc.
(If the screen does not change after the 1888, click ‘Home’ again to remove the overlay, then repeat the procedure but pressing the buttons a little faster.)
5. Using the left/right/up/down buttons on the remote handset, navigate to Settings > About > System updates menu.
6. Select the from the pop-up menu.
7. The panel will then reboot and install the SignStix software.
8. Once the installation is complete and the panel has finished booting up, ensure (via the remote handset) that the input source for the Philips panel is set to ‘Custom’.
9. If the SignStix Player is still not displaying, you may need to explicitly set the ‘Custom App’ by using the ‘Home’ 1888 procedure above, then navigating to Settings > Signage Display > Source Settings > Custom app. Finally, select the SignStix Player from the list that appears.
10. When the SignStix Player runs for the first time, it will start at the registration page (orange background).
11. The next step is to connect the Philips panel to the internet. To configure the panel’s network connection, press Home 1888 again on the remote to get to the large-format menu screen. Then select Settings and set up WiFi or Ethernet as appropriate.
12. Once the network is configured, return to the SignStix Player app by pressing the Back button on the remote handset twice to get to the large-format menu screen again. Then select ‘Apps’, then ‘SignStix Player’.
13. The Player will show the registration page again. If the panel is now successfully connected to the internet, it will soon obtain and display a Device ID. Register the Device ID by following step 6 on this page.
Subsequent updates to the Player can then be applied in the usual way from the Devices page, as described here.